So I saw a fun idea on Pinterest and it led me to this great website with a great idea creating high impact, low cost art for your wall using large orange thumbtacks, paper doilies, and cupcake liners!
Someone suggested using coffee filter so off I went to get some along with white thumbtacks, the only ones I could find. I folded my filters and cut a variety of petal shape and sizes layering at least four filters, occasionally six. I didn't like them as well in a flattened state so I scruched them up and then spread them apart for a more dimensional look.
On a few I added some gold inking for a little change but on my light wall it was a textural, tone-on-tone look that is fun and whimsical along with butterflies and dragonflies also in groups on the wall. I didn't have the room to create the wall drama of the original but I do like the look and hope to find a larger space to do more!